Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Zone conference

We love our mission president and wife: Bruce and Linda Pitt.
They have eleven children and are from Centerville, Utah.
President Pitt is a retired dentist and former institute teacher, bishop and stake president.
He is a very spirital man, and we love feasting at his feet.
This month we have enjoyed zone conference with in-depth doctrinal instruction
on the atonement. Sunday President and Sister Pitt visited our small branch and were Sacrament Meeting speakers. Following, the branch gave all of us missionaries a luncheon,
and President and Sister Pitt came home to our apartment.
They wanted to see our living arrangements and make sure we are well cared for.
(We have one of the nicest apartments in the mission, and are very grateful.)
Every two weeks a semi truck brings commodities from the Bishop's Store House
in Roanoke, VA to our branch building. Within an hour we set up tables and sort food
and household supplies for distribution to families.
The feeling is the same as when we have worked at the cannery in Mesa.
"Providing in the Lord's Own Way!" It is a good feeling.
Early morning sunrise...out my kitchen window the day we left for zone conference in Pembroke.

Friday, November 25, 2011


Bill and Betsy Newton hosted Thanksgiving Dinner in Honaker, VA.
My contribution was the pumpkin and chocolate pies and homemade rolls.
However, before dinner...
Elder Butler split wood...
Last week our young Elders "hucked" trees down the mountain.
Brother Newton sawed them into chunks preparing for today.
Elder Moore sorted and stacked smaller pieces of firewood.
Indoors, this is the "wood box" next to the refrigerator, ready for the winter storms to begin.
Betsy taught me how to make New York style cranberry sauce:
Dissolve 1 cup sugar in 1 cup water.
Add 16 oz. washed whole cranberries.
Stir constantly over medium-high heat until the berries "pop"
Stir in 16 oz. orange marmalade.

On the way back to Raven, we stopped at various homes to visit new members and investigators.
For some, Thanksgiving brought hunting success.
Here, hunters sit in "tree stands" waiting for the deer to come by!
First they put out food under the designated tree...example...corn...
to feed the deer for a period of time prior to "the hunt!"
A "tree stand" is a platform built high in the tree..sort of like Collin and Tara's treehouse.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Changed behavior...

"True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior. The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior."
President Boyd K. Packer, Ensign, Nov. 1986, 17.
The changes we have seen in this family, and the changes in the spirit of their home is phenomenal. Some days Angie (mom) will study scriptures and writings of the apostles all day! All five of her children have different dads....and finally life is coming together for her!
Back: Brandon Easter, Angie Marcum and oldest daughter, Tiffany.
Front: Zane Carroll, Ian Oswald, and Brayden Gower. Baby sister, Kayleigh, is not in picture.

First baptism...

November 12, 2011: Zane Carroll and Ian Oswald were baptised by our Branch President, Mike McClure. I've never met a kinder or more loving Priesthood leader. It has been such a priviledge to assist Elder Butler and Elder Moore in teaching this family. Younger brother Brayden could pass the baptism interview...just isn't old enough yet. As soon as the Mom and boyfriend are married, and Brandon is off probation, he too will be baptized. We'd love to see this family go to the temple during the time we are in Richlands Branch. It's a great goal.

Around town...

Not many trees have leaves remaining...but we marvel at this Chestnut tree every time we are at the Church. You can see shades of green, yellow, orange and even burnt umber..all mixed together. The chestnuts look like "porcupine eggs" with stiff, sharp, spines. It's awesome!

A local artists does historical scluptures on brick walls. This one, "Souls of Freedom" is outside the Richland's police station. We have found others at the community college, that I hope to photograph next time we are in that area.
Autumn decorations are everywhere...this one is on the portch of the Richlands Library. Our daughters will be proud of us...we find the library a great resource for locating area maps and sending faxes. The young Elders go here to use the computers and email their families on "P-Day." So far it is our best resource for a copy machine. Upstairs is a wonderful children's reading room...and although I haven't found Bill Peet books yet, this title caught my eye: "Big Brothers Don't Take Naps!" Of couse, I thought of Jonah.