Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Zone conference

We love our mission president and wife: Bruce and Linda Pitt.
They have eleven children and are from Centerville, Utah.
President Pitt is a retired dentist and former institute teacher, bishop and stake president.
He is a very spirital man, and we love feasting at his feet.
This month we have enjoyed zone conference with in-depth doctrinal instruction
on the atonement. Sunday President and Sister Pitt visited our small branch and were Sacrament Meeting speakers. Following, the branch gave all of us missionaries a luncheon,
and President and Sister Pitt came home to our apartment.
They wanted to see our living arrangements and make sure we are well cared for.
(We have one of the nicest apartments in the mission, and are very grateful.)
Every two weeks a semi truck brings commodities from the Bishop's Store House
in Roanoke, VA to our branch building. Within an hour we set up tables and sort food
and household supplies for distribution to families.
The feeling is the same as when we have worked at the cannery in Mesa.
"Providing in the Lord's Own Way!" It is a good feeling.
Early morning sunrise...out my kitchen window the day we left for zone conference in Pembroke.